First Congregational Church
Exterior Masonry Repairs (Masonry Restoration)
The scope of this project was to provide restoration repairs to the west exterior parapet wall and north exterior sanctuary wall.
West Parapet Wall: All existing parapet stone was removed. Deteriorated masonry was removed and replaced. Cast stone voids were grouted. Joint sealant was installed at tracery joints. Flashing was installed at the upper window section and joint sealants were installed around the window perimeters. An elastomeric coating was
applied to the entire exterior where cast stone exists and on the interior cast stone tracery. Exterior masonry wall was repointed.
North Sanctuary Wall: Northeast wall corner was rebuilt. Flashing was installed and joint sealants were installed around the window perimeters. An elastomeric coating was applied to the entire exterior where cast stone exists and on the interior cast stone tracery. Exterior masonry wall was repointed. Cast stone voids were grouted. Pilaster caps were removed, and flashing was installed. Heavily deteriorated steel lintels were replaced.